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+91-9716930063PEACE At Glance
Official TeaserBased on the Vedic maxim- ‘Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya’, we bring for you an exclusive gift on the occasion of DIWALI in the form of an enlightening workshop, to help you dispel all darkness from life and fill it with the sparkling light of happiness.
An opening which will prepare you to dive into the world full of rainbow lights! Get set go to relish the powerful tenets of a fabulous life!
• Health Bytes @
Eat Right, Look Bright
• Mudra-Science @
From Rangoli-making to Healthy-living
A classic module to cherish holistic fitness while enjoying the festivities!
• Eco-friendly DIWALI (Life-Friendly Crackers)
Let the Environment Rejoice! (A Mini-Pack of Infotainment)
• Effective Greeting & Gifting Skills
Connecting Harmoniously with People!
This session will bring you a combo offer of Fun ‘n’ Learning! Cherish the lighter moments and
nourish your life with brighter messages!
• Wisdom Tips from Management Guru – Sri Ganesha
• Wealth Tips from Finance Minister – Ma Laxmi
Significance of Laxmi-Ganesha Poojan
Grab wisdom nuggets inherent in the rich cultural heritage of Bharat! This session will make you feel
proud about the deep rooted Bharatiya Sanskriti!
• Dhyaan – the Eternal Science
Celebrating Diwali in Inner-world!
This session will transport you to the blissful oasis of the divine world within. You will be all set to
celebrate the ‘Shantam & Anandam’ states in life.
• Pledge @ Diwali
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi…
* All talks, modalities & demonstrations are scientific along with practical and result-oriented applications, with no inclusion of dogmas or personal beliefs.
* All sessions will be facilitated by highly qualified in-house experts of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS). They are doctors, engineers, environmentalists and ex-corporate professionals, who have expertise in their respective subjects.