परिमितं वै भूतम्। अपरिमितं भव्यम्।। (AitareyaBrahmanam 4/6) What had happened had limits; the happenings of future are limitless.
We try our best tomaterialise this Vedic aphorism in every life that we touch, as we carry the time-tested, eternal, most scientific technique of unfolding the limitless potential present inside an individual.

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Conference Details
  • When

    19 June 2017

  • Where

    Queen’s Hall, Parliament of Victoria, Australia

  • Representative

    Sadhvi Parma Bharti Ji and Sadhvi Shailasa Bharti Ji

  • Description

    An opening ceremony of the five day exhibition on Cultural & Spiritual wealth of India was held at Queen’s Hall, Parliament of Victoria, Australia. The ceremony was attended by Honorable President of the Victoria Council, Bruce Atkinson and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Honorable Colin Brooks. Other dignitaries included the President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Victoria State, Secretary of Hindu Organizations and Temples Association, President of Shri Durga Temple, Melbourne.

    The representatives of DJJS, Sadhvi Parma Bharti Ji and Sadhvi Shailasa Bharti Ji, delivered a talk explaining the nature, aim and ideology of the Organization, DJJS. The representatives mentioned to the present audience that DJJS is a not for profit, purely a socio-spiritual organization. The vision envisaged for the Organization by its revered Master His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji is ‘from self-awakening to global peace.’ The technique through which this is to be realized is the ancient science called Brahm Gyan. The technique enables an individual to become an embodiment of truth through self-realization leading to the annihilation of all social evils and threats.

    Brahm Gyan has been given throughout the ages by enlightened sages of India. Its requirement in today’s world is even more important since the world is in a state of inner unrest. Though the human race has made many technological advances and has made its presence felt on the other planets of the galaxy as well, it still remains shackled to vices such as violence, greed, cheating, theft, and dishonesty. Hence, in this hour of need of inner calmness His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj Ji’s initiative into the field of spirituality with his organization DJJS is set to bring the human race closer to the image of the divine, i.e., benign and serene.

  • Science and Spirituality, Multicultural Festival (Australia)
  • International Peace Conference, Claremont Graduate University (CGU)
  • Opening Ceremony at Queen’s Hall, Parliament of Victoria, Australia
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  • Inaugural of Intl. Centre for Interreligious & Intercultural Dialogue, Vienna, Austria
  • World Spiritual Parliament, Indian International Centre
  • Harm Reduction Advocacy in Asia Summit, United Nations
  • ISSPCON 2018, National Conference of Indian Society for Study of Pain
  • OCCUCLAVE 2018, 5th Annual Conference of AEOHD
  • Corporate HSE Conclave 2017, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
  • Annual Interfaith Dinner & Interfaith Foundation
  • Annual Interfaith Dinner, SDS & Indialogue Foundation
  • Jaati Todo - Samaj Jodo
  • Parliament of All Religions
  • National Summit on “Disability and Corporate Social Responsibility”
  • Spiritual Man and Digital Society, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi