परिमितं वै भूतम्। अपरिमितं भव्यम्।। (AitareyaBrahmanam 4/6) What had happened had limits; the happenings of future are limitless.
We try our best tomaterialise this Vedic aphorism in every life that we touch, as we carry the time-tested, eternal, most scientific technique of unfolding the limitless potential present inside an individual.

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A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which RENEW HUMANITY. – Buddha

At PEACE PROGRAM, we have highly qualified speakers, consciously awakened by Divya Gurudev Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji. They inspire and enlighten the audience by blending their remarkable insights with energetic and motivational delivery, leaving the audience with both the will and the way to initiate a positive change in their lives.

They have the expertise to intrinsically deal with the life-related issues of the corporates and working professionals like stress, anxiety, employee disengagement, low employee productivity, interpersonal conflicts, work-life balance, decision making, musculoskeletal system issues, ethical disorientation, etc. After extensive research on every topic, they have carved out practically implementable models, presentations, activities and live demonstrations to elevate the minds of the audience, helping them realise their calibre and deliver to the fullest. With spiritual dynamism and time-tested transformational technique, they are helping the aspirants embrace peace, bliss and happiness in work and everyday life.

Sadhvi Tapeshwari Bharti
Principle Coordinator
Sadhvi Dr. Nidhi Bharti
Principle Coordinator
Sadhvi Parma Bharti
Sadhvi Shailasa Bharti
Sadhvi Manimala Bharti
Sadhvi Ruchika Bharti


No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.
- H.E. Luccock

We have a group of dynamic and spiritually awakened selfless volunteers. Apart from being working professionals in leading corporate organisations, researchers, professors, homemakers and students; they are investing their time and skills to bring success to various endeavours of the PEACE PROGRAM.

Powered by the spirit of commitment and dedication, they are making a considerable difference in the lives of others. Volunteering (online as well as offline) at the PEACE PROGRAM has not just been exciting and challenging for them but also rewarding as it has helped them develop a more endearing and sociable personality.

Why Volunteer at PEACE!

1. Meet like-minded professional volunteers from around the country.

2. Help in achieving social cohesion within communities and societies.

3. An opportunity to broaden your skills.

4. Enrich your personal as well as professional life.


How Volunteering at PEACE
transformed their life…

Luckily, I got the chance to become a part of PEACE Program at a young age. Since then, my life became much more buoyant and meaningful. Being a reserved person, it has helped me discover my fortitude and made me shine both at personal as well as professional fronts. PEACE has touched my soul, empowering me to the core. It has even infused a sense of universal responsibility within me.

Shweta Goel

Doctor, All India Institute of Ayurveda

Volunteering for PEACE has given my life a sense of purpose. I come across new experiences and it helps me in improving myself. PEACE gives me opportunities to extend selfless service to the society. I feel blessed that I have been one of the PEACE volunteers. Volunteering helps me grow spiritually and experience real peace. I would like to offer my sincere thanks to PEACE Program.

Nitin Pathak

Technical Consultant

Well, the equation is: Volunteering with Peace = Unlimited Benefits (gross & subtle)! So, it's actually not possible to list them all. But all I can say is that these experiences are very enriching for the mind and soul. They help me in making the right decision whenever I face an unprecedented situation. Moreover, these have helped me achieve a sense of fulfillment, a sense of satisfaction that I have contributed something for the "betterment" of world around me. And this certainly adds to my spiritual growth as well.

Narender Kumar

Deputy Manager (Finance)

Volunteering at PEACE has given me an immaculate insight and experience, which I can use in my personal and professional life. Be it inter-personal communication, mentoring others, team-work, project management, empathy, harmony, etc. - all of these traits are well learnt through volunteering at PEACE Program. Being a part of the workshops and getting to see various facets has helped me grow as a person. Experiences ranging from visits to defence-personnel, corporate professionals, or to an old age home have definitely added to my learning experience.

Yashdeep Garg

Senior Customer Success Manager

Volunteering at PEACE has been a life changer for me. The opportunities that I have got over here have helped me learn and grow as an individual. Being around such talented and helpful individuals has always pushed me to raise my standards even more. The team is more of a family and has stood with me in my best and worst days. PEACE is Love!

Vishal Khatri

AWS Solutions Architect

Volunteering with PEACE has been an inspirational journey for me, as here, everything rests on spiritual strength. This experience has not only helped me gain self-confidence, but has also enabled me to acquire personality driven values like patience, adjustment skills, empathy, and many such small yet valuable traits that we tend to ignore in life.

Leena Khurana

Sr. Content Specialist

Being a part of the PEACE Team has provided me with a two-fold personality evolvement tools. Professionally Peace Program has taught me how to deal with the difficult situations and sail through them effectively. Personally, it has made me a more confident person. Essentially, PEACE has provided me with a self-awakening platform and has inculcated in me a feeling of selfless service towards mankind... a life much bigger and happier than the one that revolves around ‘I, me, and myself’!

Abhimanyu Verma

Assistant Professor, SSCBS, University of Delhi

PEACE Program is a comprehensive package that transformed & helped me lead a balanced life in true sense by providing the art of connecting with our inner self - the source of ultimate Peace & Bliss. Attending Workshops and working as a Volunteer at PEACE Program has helped me to grow exponentially both at personal & professional fronts. It helped me in discovering my latent talent, potential & enhanced my interpersonal skills. Thanks for sharing the art of living a PEACE-ful life.

Ankit Saini

Senior Product Analyst

Working successfully in teams, answering micro as well as macro concerns to the best so that the output is commendable- today this is the way that I follow in my professional as well as personal life, which was otherwise not there before. Moreover, PEACE Program has made my workstyle accompanied with its USP, which has given me a wholesome exponential growth. The USP is- living life in a Self-Realised mode i.e. to remain tuned with the soul and work selflessly for the world.

Dr.Gurjeet Kaur

Dr. Gurjeet Kaur – Assistant Professor, Department of Operational Research, University of Delhi

“Impossible” actually means “I’m possible”! Volunteering at PEACE has made me practically experience this. I have learnt how to work passionately for accomplishing the goal and not getting swayed by hurdles and challenges that may try to bring us down. Volunteering at PEACE has made me imbibe the trait to carry out the task at hand with full sincerity and that too with full enthusiasm. On the whole, with the blessings of Maharaj Ji, through PEACE I have learnt how to lead a well-managed life, at both personal and professional fronts.

Sandeep Chetal

Director, British Telecom (South Asia and Africa)


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