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This session gives us an understanding that the Divine Master is the very substratum of life. Although breathing is indispensable for living; however, the presence of a divine companion infuses life in those breaths as well!
The session gives us insight into the fact as to how a Divine Master re-instills in us new energy, new zeal, and new spirits to fight and win over the challenging situations. Indeed, it helps us experience a phenomenal shift from hopeless end to an endless hope!
This session draws a brilliant comparative analysis between the prevalent psychotherapies and the traditional psycho science of self-realisation in treating and curing the troubled mindsets of humanity.
It marks the distinguishing traits of the divine companionship vis-à-vis ordinary, worldly associations, in terms of trust, selflessness, and understanding.
It highlights how the companionship of the Divine Master surpasses all worldly bonds. It beautifully brings to light the striking difference between having relations in life vs. having life in relations.
* All talks, modalities & demonstrations are scientific along with practical and result-oriented applications, with no inclusion of dogmas or personal beliefs.
* All sessions will be facilitated by highly qualified in-house experts of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS). They are doctors, engineers, environmentalists and ex-corporate professionals, who have expertise in their respective subjects.